We FINALLY have our new class schedule done! You can pick up a copy at the shop, or e-mail us and we'll e-mail you a copy! We're going "Back to the Basics"! Hand Quilting, hand applique, machine quilting, quilter's math, etc. with a few quilts thrown in there as well!
New Block of the Month - Around the World in 30 BlocksStarts February 13th - 10 AM

2 different colorways - 30's Repros (similar to those in the photo on left) or Civil War feel (right - please note that it's not finished YET!)
We'll be doing 12 of these blocks or you can do all 30! The sign up fee is $20 which includes your finishing kit. Then each month you'll get 1 block for $2 each. If you choose to do all 30 blocks, the sign up fee is $40 and then you'll get 2 or 3 blocks for $2 each every month.
If you can't come to the shop, you can still participate. We'll mail you the kits each month. You'll pay $2/block + $0.75 postage.
Monthly SkinniesStarts January 16th
These ever-so-cute 14" x 28" mini quilts are fun and easy to make. The monthly kit fee of $10.00 covers the class fee & the fabrics, including binding. You'll be able to finish each quilt during the class time. Every quarter you'll need the $9 pattern that has 3 months in it.
To sign up for a class, simply send us an e-mail & let us know which class you'd like or call us at the shop!