We are starting a new Block of the Month. It will be on the
second Saturday of every month, beginning
November 12. These blocks come from a book called The Circut Rider Quilt, which is $24.95.
The book is based on an antique quilt, and has lots of different setting ideas. Each month's block will be $3.

Of the six blocks below, five are needle-turned applique, and one is machine appliqued. The author of the book did her quilt with the freezer paper method and machine. You can do this with whatever method of applique makes you comfortable.

On the first class at 10:00 a.m., Sariah will offer a FREE class on needle turn applique as well as demonstrating the freezer paper method.
Anything left of our Halloween Fabric and Kits is now on sale at 30% off!

Come on in and check it out!