Many of our quilting friends know that Wendy's husband, Ryan, was diagnosed last year with a very rare auto-immune disease, which has wreaked havoc on his kidneys. Through this year he has undergone extensive chemotherapy, and he will soon be in a place to receive a kidney transplant.
His siblings were all willing to test as donors, and his brother is currently planning on donating. This means he will not have to wait on the transplant list. Family and friends of Ryan have got together to perform a fundraiser in his behalf. We are selling Dixie Direct cards, and if you are interested in purchasing one to support him, they cost $35. You can come get them in the shop.
If you would like to know more about the story and/or keep updated on his news, please click
HERE to see the facebook page supporting him and his family in this journey.
We love you Wendy, and send our good wishes and prayers your way!